For this project the criteria was to use an eight foot 2x2 piece of wood to create a formalist sculpture.
When creating this piece I wanted to a work of art that had a topsy turvy aesthetic. The bottom 2x2 is resting on a hard edge, while the other pieces connect off each side.
I cut and sanded out divots into the corner edges all along the interior angles of the wood. Each piece was sanded down to remove blemishes and to create a relatively smooth surface. To fasten the pieces together I used a countersink drill to make the initial holes and then drilled in two screws for each piece, creating stability. Once completely together, the divots were painted white and the remainder was painted black with acrylic paint. After drying, I made a design decision to scratch off the black layer to reveal the white underneath. Reminiscent of old country style, which goes against the more modern look of the overall piece.
If you look closely, one of the side pieces is attached differently than the other. Instead of fixing it to match, I decided that it added to the effect of the overall piece. Artistically, for this piece, I believe there are no accidents, it just becomes a piece of the intended art project.
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