Project 2 - String Art String Art dates back to the 1900's, it is art created by making designs with nails and colorful string. Mary Everest Boole is the first person to be given credit for making curves from straight lines contained within her art, which she used to explain math to her students. String Art later became the basis of the Bezier Curve. (String of The Art) Then John Eichinger was the first artist in the US to create what he called 'string mandalas' after the Hindu art form of circles within circles. (String Art Fun) For this project, I adapted this concept of mandalas that I previously used in Project 1, which was a mandala like wood sculpture but with a square base. For these designs I used frames that were found in the wood shop, small nails, and colorful string. The basis for the designs were to show that even though a structure is created from a square, it can be turned into something else. My patterns were derived from squares but through the work of a...